Saturday, October 11, 2008

Tis the season to walk

Each autumn season in the states many CROP walks are held thought the country. CROP stands for Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty. The program is from the World Church Service, who uses the CROP walks to raise funds for their hunger efforts. A quarter of the funds stay in the local community.

During the autumn we come across quite a few mentions of CROP walks in our daily searching for news items. So,I figured I would combine the couple I found yesterday into one post.

First, One that is taking place in the Carolinas. Amy Clarke writes for the Greenville News.

from the Greenville Times

The 23rd annual Clemson-area CROP Walk will kick off with registration at 2 p.m. Sunday at St. Andrew's Catholic Church. Walkers will set out at 2:30 p.m. Two routes are available -- a 1-mile waterfront stroll, ideal for families, and a 4.5-mile walk around the campus.

Walk coordinator Laura Shick said the walk is about "not just trying to be a handout but the hand up. We address the immediate needs of the hungry, but (also) how can we help people so that they aren't hungry."

Clemson Community Care and Golden Corners Food Bank have helped coordinate the walk and will be local recipients.

Shick said that in celebration of the 23rd annual walk, organizers are using the number 23 as a theme, drawing on the message of the 23rd Psalm.

"We're taking that theme of 'I shall not want' and saying there are a lot of people who in this area who do want," she said.

And some details of one taking place in Maine.

from the Seacoast Online

Residents of York and nearby communities are invited to participate in a four-mile walk to raise funds for the hungry and needy around the world at 1:30 p.m., on Sunday, Oct. 19.

The walk begins and ends at St. George's Church and loops through the village. There will be at least three water stations along the way and a van will follow the walkers to pick up individuals who want to ride back to St. George's.

At 4 p.m., St. George's will hold a U2charist, a ministry with the theme of ending world poverty. A portion of the donations received in the U2charist will support the CROP Hunger Walk. Registration for the CROP Hunger Walk is at 1 p.m. at St. George's Church. Prior to Oct. 19, registration forms will be available at the local churches that are sponsoring the CROP Hunger Walk.

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