Hello everyone! Your humble blooger is starting his vacation, NOW! We're going to a wonderful land far north of home that is absent of any computers, routers, or T1 lines. This will be my son's first time to experience the strange wonder of this mysterious land. So posting will be a little more sporadic than usual in the coming days.
Our brother from the same mother will be on putting some posts up while we are away. So fear not, there will be a trickle or two of news that we will not miss. We will return on Monday, August 10th.
Thank you so much for following, reading and being a part of this blog. Since we have started to venture into Facebook and Twitter, it's a great joy to see some of our followers have joined us on those sites as well. We just hope that you will be able to use the info gathered here to advocate for those less fortunate, or to empower you to continue working for them. Because basically that is what this blog is for, shedding light on a subject that many "newspeople" avoid.
This brother from the same mother has designed a new header for the blog, so we hope to unveil that when we return. So we hope to give the blog a bit of an upgrade in look before autumn begins.
Again, many thanks for reading!
Eastern DRC: Civilian victims of renewed tensions between government and
The city of Goma in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo has fallen
into the hands of M23 rebels. Civilians are the primary victims.
13 hours ago
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