from The Australian
John Wiseman
THE number of people living in poverty in South Australia has doubled since the mid-1990s, a study has found.
The South Australian Council of Social Service said 12.3 per cent of the State’s population - almost 200,000 thousand people – were living in poverty in 2005-06 up from 6.7 per cent in 1993-94.
A report released by SACOSS today said poverty remained a persistent feature of South Australian society.
“Despite the economic boom there are now two South Australias: one group of people who have largely done well in the good times and one group for whom poverty and disadvantage remained entrenched,” the report said.
It also reported that census data confirmed that nearly a quarter of all families in South Australia are living on low incomes.
SACOSS Executive Director Karen Grogan said the State needed to develop specific anti-poverty strategies.
“A successful society is one that enables all its members to enjoy its benefits, not just some,” she said.
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3 hours ago
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