from The Swazi Observer
POVERTY in Swaziland has reached alarming levels.
An estimated 69 percent of the population is believed to be living on E128 a month.
This is contained in a report released by the Co-ordinating Assembly of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) for the period 2005 to 2006.
It states that the country continues to suffer skewed distribution of national resources as 20 percent of the population is estimated to consume 56 percent of such.
“The HIV and AIDS crisis, on the other hand, has continued to present daunting social and economic challenges for our country, in particular the communities served by NGOs. Further complicating the situation has been the shrinking labour market as most companies, particularly those in the textile sector, have shed thousands of jobs,” it reads.
It states that CANGO has strove to respond to some of the developmental challenges faced by the country. Its strategic plan re-affirms the organisation’s agenda to foster a pro-poor policy environment. The CANGO secretariat, on the other hand, faces its own challenges.
The report states that its co-ordination work has been undermined by lack of co-operation and support from the general membership - that is, sharing information between membership and the secretariat, which remains a serious challenge.
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