from All Africa
BuaNews (Tshwane)
By Modern Bweema
The United Nations (UN) has warned that the current global food crisis, compounded by a hike in fuel prices and climate change, will push more than 100 million people into poverty.
United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Asha Rose-Migiro said on Monday at the official opening of the 11th AU Heads of State and Government Summit that this development risked reversing the positive steps made towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Dr Migiro, however, noted that many African countries had made tremendous progress towards the achievement of the MDGs.
She said well designed and properly financed programmes had helped reduce child mortality, improve water and sanitation and expanded primary education in some African countries.
"There are numerous other examples that prove that the ambitious MDGs can be achieved.
"The careful plans crafted by African governments need to be backed by adequate and predicable donor financing," Dr Migiro said.
She, however, noted that donors had not yet delivered on their pledges made three years ago at the annual summit of the Group of Eight (G8) most developed nations at Gleneagles, Scotland, to support African countries meet the MDGs.
She said inadequate donor financing and other constraints had made it difficult for African countries to reach some of the MDGs.
Support for Africa was not only a moral imperative but was also critical for global peace and security, she added.
Link to full article. May expire in future.
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