Saturday, March 15, 2008

Islander getting set to bike across continent for poverty

from The Guardian, Charlottetown


While some Canadians are daydreaming of spending March break on a tropical beach, a few will be vigorously preparing for a nine-week bike tour to bring awareness to poverty.

Sarah Terpstra, an Islander now living and teaching in Alliston, Ont., will be participating in the largest cross-continental bike tour ever this summer, the Sea to Sea 2008 Bike Tour.

Each of the tour’s 117 participants will be expected to raise $10,000 to support new and ongoing programs that break the cycle of poverty for families and communities around the world.

“I want to bike, it’s such a great opportunity, and my father promised me a new bike if I participated,’’ laughed Terpstra.

Many of the participants, ranging in age from 18-76 years of age, are members of the Christian Reformed Church in North America.

The race starts in Seattle, Washington, on June 28 and ends in Jersey City, New Jersey, on Aug. 30, including parts of Canada. The shortest day of the race will be 52 km and the longest 193 km.

This will Terpstra’s first time in the race and she has conflicting emotions about the event, depending on who she talks to.

“It changes every day, some are inspired by my decision and others think I’m crazy. But I have the support of my family and friends and the church is very supportive,’’ she said.

Since she completed the Red Cross Relay last year she feels confident in her strength and is using an installed bike in her home she borrowed from a church member, who participated in the tour’s first event in 2006.

With only three months to go, Terpstra has goals in place so she will be in top shape for the scenic tour.

“I hope to bike 2,000 km before the event. I’m going to be doing weekend trips of 200-300 km in Ontario by biking to campgrounds.’’

Besides supporting the complex economic, social, and spiritual issues related to poverty, Terpstra is excited to see the mountains in Colorado and visiting some old friends she went to school with in Michigan.

There will be a pancake breakfast today at Christian Reformed Church from 7-11 a.m. A sleigh ride/barbecue will held at the Terpstra family farm from 12-4 p.m. at 992 Rustico Rd. on March 17-18.

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