Tuesday, November 06, 2007

from All Africa

New Vision (Kampala)

WE, the 53 heads of Commonwealth member states, declare that we shall address the following challenges, thus help our nations to achieve political, economic and social development.

Poverty: This is one of the most pressing challenges in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean islands. During the lobbying session in our summit, we suggested the following solutions: Promoting small-scale industries such as horticulture and art and crafts to provide employment and improve people's living standards.

lEncouraging investments in least developed countries. For instance, investing in the tourism and textile industries.

Child abuse: This is a social problem mostly affecting the girl-child - for instance forced marriages, rape and defilement. Children are also abducted and made child soldiers.

Solutions include:

* Sensitise citizens on children's rights such as the right to education irrespective of gender, access to medical care and to teach children to freely express themselves.

* Enforcement of the law to check crime. This can be done with the help of the judiciary by charging the criminals.

AIDS: Many countries have been affected by AIDS. This can be controlled by emphasising the abstinence, be faithful and condom use strategy.

Prostitution: In some member states like India and Uganda, prostitution is high due to unemployment and unequal opportunities for girls.


* Enforcement of law against prostitution. Sex workers should be denied access to public places like hotels, streets and lodges. The criminals should also be apprehended.

* Creating awareness about the dangers of prostitution like AIDS, sexually-transmitted infections and and unwanted pregnancies.

* Religious intervention: Church leaders should preach against immorality.

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