from the Los Angeles Times
Thanks to disasters of its own making, the agency is losing money and influence.
By Mark Weisbrot
'The imf is back," declared the International Monetary Fund's managing director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, at its annual spring meeting earlier this month in Washington. And not a moment too soon either. To hear the organization's economists tell it (as they mingled in five-star hotels, long black limos and posh restaurants with bankers, businessmen and finance ministers from around the globe), they've arrived on the scene just in time to help solve the world's financial crisis.
But despite the bravado, the reality is that today's IMF is not what it once was. These days, the world's most famous deficit police force is running a whopping small-country-size $400-million annual deficit of its own and is being forced into some of the same kinds of "structural adjustments" it used to impose on indebted Third World nations. In just the last four years, the IMF's total loan portfolio has shrunk from $105 billion to less than $10 billion; over half of the current portfolio consists of loans to Turkey and Pakistan. To cut costs, the agency is reducing staff and closing offices.
The IMF's loss of influence is probably the most important change in the international financial system in more than half a century. Until just a few years ago, the IMF -- originally created at the Bretton Woods conference on international economic cooperation in 1944 -- was one of the most powerful financial institutions in the world and the major avenue of influence for the United States in developing countries.
This wasn't so much a result of the money that it lent -- the World Bank loans much more -- but because of its position at the top of a hierarchy of official creditors. Until a few years ago, a developing-country government that did not meet IMF conditions risked being economically strangled. The World Bank, regional banks such as the Inter-American Development Bank, rich lender governments and sometimes even the private sector would withhold lending until the government reached agreement with the IMF.
At the top of this powerful creditors cartel sat the U.S. Treasury Department, which holds a formal veto over many of the IMF's decisions and is an informal power within the organization that marginalizes even the other rich countries. Developing countries -- the ones that have historically borne the brunt of IMF decisions -- have little or no effective voice in the decision-making of the organization, where the majority of votes of the 185 member nations are assigned to the rich members.
But the IMF lost credibility after presiding over a series of economic disasters. Latin America, for example, suffered its worst long-term growth failure in modern history under the IMF's tutelage since 1980. The IMF's "shock therapy" program in Russia vastly underestimated the time it would take to transition from a planned to a capitalist economy in the early '90s. The result was a lot of shock and no therapy, and tens of millions were pushed into poverty as the economy collapsed.
The Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s was a tipping point. The IMF and the U.S. Treasury helped cause the crisis by pushing for the removal of important regulations on foreign capital flows. Then they made it worse with their policy recommendations, prompting economist Jeffrey Sachs -- now head of Columbia University's Earth Institute -- to say that "the IMF has become the Typhoid Mary of emerging markets, spreading recessions in country after country."
Some of these mistakes were because of incompetence; others were driven by ideological or special interests. But the result was that developing countries began voting with their feet, piling up international reserves so that they would never have to borrow again from the IMF cartel.
The IMF-supervised Argentine disaster from 1998 to 2002, which pushed the majority of Argentines below the official poverty line in a country that was previously one of the richest in the region, further sullied the fund's reputation. Argentina then defied the IMF, refused its conditions, got no international help and rapidly transformed itself into the fastest-growing economy in the hemisphere. This too was noticed.
The collapse of the IMF creditors cartel has been a huge blow to U.S. influence. It was most pronounced in Latin America, where most of a region that used to be referred to as the United States' "backyard" is now governed by states that are more independent of Washington than Europe is.
The problem is that poorer developing countries, especially in Africa, remain dependent on foreign aid from the IMF (and the World Bank and other sources) to fund their basic budget and import needs. This can be harmful to their development and their people. In recent years, the IMF -- insisting that such measures are necessary to hold down inflation -- has imposed conditions that limit their public spending and, according to the fund's own internal evaluation, have prevented these countries from spending aid money on urgent needs, such as healthcare and education.
Mark Weisbrot is co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington. (
A real-life rags-to-riches story: Indian-origin chef who once struggled
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A real-life rags-to-riches story: Indian-origin chef who once struggled
with extreme poverty now owns Asia The Economic Times
1 hour ago
Looks like people noticed the stupidity of dictated regulation by a profit organization that strongly ignore debt creation without property in return.
We as youths decide to come together and form a group so as to fight many problems encountering youths as per individual hence promoting spiritual matters and living standard. Improving economical status enhancing social life, maximum intervention, which could improve togetherness, mutual understanding of the youth and community as whole through co-operation.
The group is situated at Kaptama division covering youth from Kaboram, Kamenjo, chesito Kaboywo, and chemoge and kaptama areas.
The group started the year 2004 with 15 members & later on increased to fifty youth, thereafter we decided to register the group using the above name and later opened an account at Kapsokwony. Account No. 0300194086122
I. To help youth grow spiritually
II. To help youth to be self driven people
III. To help youth to discover their talents and utilize them maximally
IV. To avoid the monotony of idleness in youth
V. To help youth fulfill their visions
VI. Help youth support themselves financially
• Evangelization
• Giving Hope to infected and affected by H.I.V & AIDS
• Discouragingly F.G.M (Female genital mutilisation)
• Encouraging people to learn to eradicate illiteracy.
• Encouraging Mary Go Round
• Discouraging Abortion
• Proper disposal of garbage
• Proper drainage of water
• Encouraging Male to be circumcised in hospital
Our fellow youth are not involved in Advantages activities hence selling involved in poor Moral standards drunkenness and drug abuse.
Ministry of youth
We shall have sources of income
We will develop awareness against HIV/AIDS
The community will spearhead awareness against F.G.M
Job obtain created
Improve hygiene
Social Political economic development
Good living standards
Poverty eradication among the youth in the community
From-skilled and unskilled Individuals
(1) Chairperson-Dennis Taskin
(2) Secretary-Godwin Sinjir
(3) Treasury-Martin Saekwo.
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